Dirty teeth? 

Having dirty teeth is a very common problem amongst large numbers of people these days. Taking little care of your oral hygiene and ignoring oral health can lead to risky situations .

So what are dirty teeth?

 Dirty teeth refers to the blackish or brownish deposition of plaque and calculus on your teeth due to lack of oral hygiene. Staining of teeth occurs primarily which leads to discolored teeth or yellowish deposition of plaque and debris which later calcifies with time if not cleaned earlier. 

Which groups are likely to have dirty teeth ?

  • Children and old aged people are at a higher risk due to ignorance of oral health care.
  • People who have habit of gutkha chewing, smoking, tobacco eaters have dirty teeth.
  • People with any systemic disease can also suffer from dirty teeth due to ignorance to oral health.

Do you know why dirty teeth occurs and its causes?

  •  Not brushing regularly two times a day.
  • Malaligned tooth leads to dirty teeth.
  • Avoiding flossing in patients with crowns
  • Not drinking enough water after meals 

How to prevent Dirty teeth?

If you have dirty teeth, you should always follow the rule ‘prevention is better than cure’.

So regular monitoring your oral hygiene with a quick lookup in the mirror should be done before you see visible stainings or plaques and calculus in your mouth.

Most of all regular brushing and flossing is required to have your pearly whites shine as bright as possible. Drinking enough water after meals prevent lodging of food or debris in your embrasures or pit and fissures of the teeth this prevents accumulation of food and formation of plaque or calculus.

Avoiding tobacco, smoking, alcohol also prevent dirty teeth to a large extent by keeping your oral health good.

How Today’s Dental can help you – 

 We at todays dental provide regular cleanings, monitoring and checkups for maintaining your oral health hygiene at a good level .

Our dentist provides fine cleaning or scaling of your mouth which is also referred to as Oral prophylaxis which removes all the plaques stainings debris and calculus from your mouth without any pain or much effort.

Scalers with high ultrasonic speeds are used, there vibrations help in dislodging the calcified plaques from the tooth surface and resurfacing the white shiny layer. 

So, book your appointment at Today’s dental now and avail the benefits of new and highly advanced methods of treatment for an efficient and fine work by our dentists. Looking forward to maintain a good relationship with you for your better experience at our clinic. 

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