Amalgam Fillings (Silver Fillings)

What is Amalgam Fillings?

Amalgam fillings, also known as silver fillings, are a popular choice for dental restoration. They are similar to gold fillings but more cost-effective and durable. In dentistry for over 150 years, metal amalgam fillings have been used to restore decayed teeth. This article will explore the advantages of choosing amalgam fillings, reasons to consider them, their safety, a comparison with composite fillings, and the process of placing fillings. If you’re interested in amalgam fillings or have questions, contact your Lawrenceville Dentistry for more information.

Amalgam Filling Over Traditional Silver Filling

Metal amalgam fillings have been a staple in dentistry for over a century. These silver-colored fillings are used to restore decayed teeth. They have a lifespan of up to ten years, depending on the implant’s location and the patient’s lifestyle. Due to this, many patients require multiple fillings throughout their lives.

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Lawrenceville Dentistry – Amalgam Fillings

The Advantages Of Choosing Amalgam Fillings

Dentists consider amalgam fillings, which consist of approximately half mercury and half silver, as the strongest and most durable option for tooth restoration. Dentists have relied on this reliable and long-lasting filling material for decades.

5 Reasons to Choose Amalgam Fillings

  1. Tooth Cavities play an important role. Know why

Tooth decay is the most prevalent disease worldwide, surpassing heart attacks and cancer. It causes bacterial damage to the tooth enamel, resulting in infection and inflammation. Periodontal disease, characterized by gum discomfort, sensitivity, or swelling, can occur due to bacterial invasion.

  1. Holes in the Teeth

Even though teeth are incredibly hard, they can chip and develop holes over time. Bacterial action on the tooth surface can lead to tooth decay, resulting in cavities. Dentists use composite resin to fill cavities, restoring the tooth’s strength and shape. However, if the condition persists, the tooth may weaken to the point where it cannot support itself and may eventually be lost.

  1. Fracture in the Teeth

The most common type of tooth fracture is the “edge” or “facial” fracture. It occurs when a hard object strikes a tooth, causing it to break off just inside the gum line. Although facial fractures are usually not serious, they can cause pain and bleeding, requiring immediate attention to prevent further damage or complications.

  1. Dental Fillings for Discolored Teeth

Dental fillings not only repair and replace broken, decayed, or injured teeth but also serve as a solution for covering up stained teeth.

  1. Dental Fillings to Improve Tooth Structure

Dentists use dental fillings to strengthen and enhance the structure of teeth. Dentists place fillings in cavities to provide support, prevent future deterioration or cracking, and conceal discolored teeth. They play a crucial role in repairing and restoring damaged or decayed teeth.

Is Dental Amalgam Safe?

Dentists commonly use dental fillings to enhance the strength and structure of teeth. When a tooth develops a cavity, it becomes weakened and susceptible to further decay. By filling the cavity, dentists provide support as a structural framework for the weakened tooth. In addition, dental fillings prevent potential deterioration or cracking and can be used to conceal discolored teeth. Dental professionals actively utilize fillings to repair and restore broken, decayed, or injured teeth.

Amalgam Fillings vs Composite Fillings

Dentists use composite fillings, a tooth-colored filling substance, to seal and restore the shape of cavities. Unlike amalgam fillings, which contain mercury, composite fillings consist of plastic resins blended with small amounts of other substances like glass or metal oxides.

Is Your Amalgam Filling Breaking Down?

If you have an amalgam filling, you may wonder if it’s breaking down. Here are a few points to consider:

  • Amalgam fillings are durable and strong, making them less likely to break compared to other types of fillings.
  • They are ideal for patients with a high risk of tooth decay, large tooth preparations, and situations where moisture makes it difficult to bond other materials to the tooth.
  • Hundreds of millions of patients worldwide have opted for amalgam fillings, which are the most affordable type of filling material, for over 150 years.

Are Amalgam Fillings Better Than Composite?

Due to their ease of installation, durability, and longevity, amalgam fillings have been considered the best option for cavities. However, some concerns exist regarding the presence of mercury and the potential for allergic reactions. It is essential to address tooth decay promptly and restore the tooth to maintain oral and general health.

Ready to book your Amalgam Fillings appointment at Lawrenceville Dentistry?

How to Place Fillings

To place an amalgam filling, your dentist will follow these steps:

  1. Thoroughly examine your mouth.
  2. Take x-rays to assess the location and depth of decay or damage.
  3. Discuss the situation with you and help you make an informed decision.
  4. Administer local anesthesia for a comfortable procedure.
  5. Remove decay and dead tooth material.
  6. Thoroughly clean the area for filling.
  7. Place the amalgam filling and shape it properly for optimal tooth structure and function.
  8. Ensure the filling is smooth.
  9. Avoid chewing on the filled tooth for twenty-four hours after the procedure.

Choosing Amalgam Fillings

Despite some controversy surrounding their safety, amalgam fillings have been successfully used for over a century. Health agencies report that the minimal amount of mercury in these fillings is not harmful. However, dentists who work with amalgam fillings take necessary precautions and wear protective gear. If you’d like to be part of the dental partnership organization or learn about dental services, contact Todays Dental Partners or Todays Dental Services for more information.

Contact Your Lawrenceville Dentistry

For more information about amalgam fillings and to determine whether they are a suitable option for you, contact your Lawrenceville Dentistry. Their dental professionals can provide personalized guidance and address any questions or concerns you may have.