Why You Need Bridges for Dental Restoration?

Injuries or decay resulting in tooth loss can have a significant impact on your oral structure, function, and overall comfort. The presence of gaps in your mouth can cause the remaining natural teeth to shift, leading to bite problems, changes in facial shape, and difficulties in speech. To address these issues, your dentist may recommend a dental bridge, which serves as a solution to fill the gaps left by missing teeth. Dental bridges can be either removable or permanent, depending on your specific needs.

  Lawrenceville Dentistry - Dental Bridges
Lawrenceville Dentistry – Dental Bridges

The Importance of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges provide an effective tooth replacement option that restores the functionality of your mouth. By replacing one or more missing teeth, they help maintain the shape of your face, preserve proper chewing abilities, and ensure clear speech. Your dentist will take an impression using a special molding material to create a dental bridge customized to fit your mouth. They will then send the impression to a dental lab for fabrication. The process of creating a dental bridge typically takes anywhere from two weeks to several months, depending on the materials used.

Permanent vs. Removable Dental Bridges

Traditional dental bridges are generally permanent, although exceptions exist. Regular checkups are necessary to ensure the strength and health of the teeth adjacent to the bridge. If you have a missing tooth, it is advisable to consult with your dentist or periodontist to explore the available options for replacement. There are two common types of dental bridges: fixed bridges, which dental professionals permanently attach using dental cement, and removable bridges, also known as partial dentures, which you can easily remove for cleaning and at night.

The Versatility of Removable Dental Bridges

Dental professionals construct removable dental bridges with porcelain, and these bridges serve to bridge the gap caused by missing teeth. They consist of artificial teeth attached to a small base made of pink or gum-colored plastic. You can connect these bridges to dental implants or natural teeth using small metal or flesh-colored attachments. Removable dental bridges offer the convenience of being removable, allowing for easy cleaning of both the bridge and natural teeth. If you still have some natural teeth, a removable dental bridge can be an excellent choice for tooth replacement.

Comparing Costs: Dental Bridges vs. Implants

When it comes to cost, dental bridges are generally more affordable than implants, especially if multiple teeth need replacement. Implants often require additional procedures like bone grafts or sinus lifts to enhance the bone support, which further increases the overall cost. Dental bridges offer a permanent solution for tooth loss, although they do require regular maintenance and care to prevent decay and gum issues, similar to natural teeth.

Ready to book your Dental Bridges appointment at Lawrenceville Dentistry?

The Comfort and Convenience of Dental Bridges

As teeth age, they become more sensitive and prone to cavities. A dental bridge can serve as a suitable replacement in cases where a tooth is severely decayed and cannot be saved. The process of preparing your teeth and creating a dental bridge is painless, as it involves the use of local anesthesia during tooth preparation and impression-taking. Post-treatment pain is rare and seldom requires the use of analgesics for relief.

Debunking Myths: Bridges Are Secure and Durable

A common misconception is that dental bridges are flimsy and prone to falling out. However, while bridges may loosen over time, your dentist can easily address this issue by tightening them. In reality, dental bridges are designed to withstand a lifetime of use, and the chances of them falling out are minimal. Practicing good oral hygiene is crucial in reducing the chances of your bridge becoming loose or dislodged.

Say Goodbye to Tooth Gaps!

The Benefit of Dental Bridges: Restoring Your Smile and Oral Function

Dental bridges play a crucial role in restoring the appearance and functionality of your teeth when you have one or several missing teeth. By bridging the gap with false teeth, called pontics, supported by crowns attached to natural teeth, known as abutment teeth, dental bridges offer numerous benefits. In this article, we will explore the advantages of dental bridges and the process of receiving them.

A Restored Smile and Improved Oral Function

With the placement of a dental bridge, you can experience the following benefits:

  1. A Restored Smile: Dental bridges help restore your smile by filling in the gaps caused by missing teeth. They provide a natural-looking solution, giving you a confident and complete smile.

  2. Improved Ability to Chew and Speak Properly: Missing teeth can hinder your ability to chew food properly and speak clearly. Dental bridges restore your ability to chew and speak, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods and communicate effectively.

  3. Maintained Facial Shape: When you lose teeth, it can lead to a sagging appearance of your face due to the loss of support. Dental bridges help maintain your facial shape by providing support to the surrounding structures.

  4. Proper Bite Force Distribution: Missing teeth can lead to an imbalance in the distribution of bite forces, putting excessive strain on the remaining teeth. Dental bridges distribute bite forces evenly, preventing additional stress on the remaining natural teeth.

  5. Prevention of Tooth Movement: Gaps caused by missing teeth can result in neighboring teeth shifting out of position. Dental bridges prevent tooth movement by filling these gaps, maintaining the alignment of your teeth.

Dental Bridges

Receiving Dental Bridges: Types and Process

There are three primary types of dental bridges, each designed for different situations:

  1. Traditional Bridges: This is the most common type of dental bridge, consisting of porcelain fused to metal and ceramic. It is supported by crowns placed on abutment teeth. Traditional bridges offer durability and aesthetic appeal.
  2. Cantilever Bridges: Today, dental professionals use these bridges less frequently and do not consider them suitable for the back of the mouth. However, your dentist may still recommend their use when there are abutment teeth on one side of the gap and determines it as the best solution.
  3. Maryland Bonded Bridges: Maryland bonded bridges have “wings” on one side, made of metal or porcelain bonded to abutment teeth. They are made of porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, or plastic teeth and gums, which are supported by a metal or porcelain framework.

The process of receiving dental bridges involves two visits to your dentist:

First Visit: Preparing for the Bridge

During your first visit, your dentist will prepare your abutment teeth by reducing their size and contouring them to accommodate dental crowns. Impressions of your teeth will be taken to create custom dental bridges. To protect the prepared abutment teeth, a temporary bridge will be crafted. The necessary information will be sent to the dental laboratory to fabricate your permanent bridge. Your second visit will be scheduled once the bridge is ready.

Second Visit: Placement and Adjustment

During your second visit, your dentist will remove the temporary bridge and place the new permanent bridge in your mouth. We will adjust the bridge as necessary to ensure a proper fit and comfort. In some cases, the dentist may temporarily cement the bridge in place and schedule further visits to ensure its fit before permanently cementing it.

Following the Bridge Placement

Adapting to a dental bridge may take some time, especially when it comes to eating and speaking. However, dental bridges are designed to facilitate these tasks and ensure ease and comfort. With time, you will become accustomed to the bridge, enabling you to eat and speak naturally.

To ensure the longevity of your dental bridge, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene habits. Regular examinations and cleanings with your dentist will help monitor the bridge’s condition and prevent any potential issues, allowing it to last for fifteen years or even longer.

Conclusion: Rediscover a Confident Smile with Dental Bridges

Dental bridges offer a multitude of benefits, including a restored smile, improved oral function, and maintained facial shape. Understanding the different types of bridges and the process involved in receiving them can help you make an informed decision. By following good oral hygiene practices and visiting your dentist regularly, you can enjoy the long-lasting benefits of dental bridges and regain your confidence in your smile.

For more information about dental bridges, Contact your Lawrenceville Dentistry.

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