Root Canal Treatment at Lawrenceville Dentistry: Save Your Damaged Tooth from Pain

Root canal treatment is a vital procedure for anyone experiencing excruciating dental pain. At Lawrenceville Dentistry in Georgia, we specialize in providing low-cost root canal treatments that are less painful.

What is a Root Canal and Why Do You Need It?

A root canal is a procedure designed to repair and save severely damaged, decayed, infected, or cracked teeth. This treatment involves extracting the infected pulp, nerves, and blood vessels from inside the tooth or canal. By eliminating the damaged and infected area, we can alleviate your pain before sealing the tooth effectively.

Affordable Root Canal Cost at Lawrenceville Dentistry

If you’re looking for an affordable root canal treatment, Lawrenceville Dentistry is the place to go in Georgia. Our root canal procedures range from $800 to $1200, providing you with a cost-effective solution to your dental needs.

Importance of Removing Infected Tooth Pulp

When the nerve of a tooth is infected or injured, bacteria can multiply within the pulp. This bacterial infection can lead to an abscessed tooth and cause severe discomfort. By removing the infected pulp, we can prevent the infection from spreading and restore your oral health.

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Understanding the Root Canal Procedure

  1. Access opening: Our dentists begin the procedure by opening the tooth canal, allowing for better visualization. This step involves creating an opening in the enamel of the affected tooth, enabling us to locate the root orifices accurately.
  2. Working length determination: We determine the working length of the canal by using radiographic X-rays or files. These instruments play a crucial role in measuring the length of the canal and ensuring precise treatment.
  3. Biomechanical preparation (BMP): Cleaning and shaping the root canal is the next step in the process. We use specialized files or reamers along with irrigating solutions to remove all affected pulp and prevent the spread of bacterial infection.
  4. Obturation: The final step of the root canal treatment is obturation, which involves filling the prepared hollow canal space with gutta-percha cones. This filling seals the tooth, providing support for proper mastication of food.

Contact Lawrenceville Dentistry for Expert Root Canal Treatment

If you want to learn more about root canal treatment or schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to reach out to Lawrenceville Dentistry. Our experienced dentists are dedicated to providing you with cutting-edge treatments for your oral health needs. Contact us today and take the first step towards a pain-free and healthy smile.

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