Protect Your Smile with Custom Sports Mouthguards

Sports activities can be exhilarating and fun, but they also come with a risk of dental injuries. The American Dental Association (ADA) states that sports-related injuries account for approximately one third of all dental injuries, causing various issues such as chipped and broken teeth, fractured crowns or bridgework, lip and cheek injuries, tooth root damage, fractured jaws, concussions, and more. However, there is a simple solution that can prevent these oral injuries: sports mouthguards.

The Importance of Sports Mouthguards

The ADA estimates that the use of sports mouthguards can prevent over two hundred thousand oral injuries every year. Therefore, it is crucial for anyone participating in sports, particularly those involving falls, body contact, or flying equipment, to use a sports mouthguard. These protective devices are designed to safeguard and protect your teeth, mouth, cheeks, tongue, and jaw from injury.

Sports Mouthguards

Understanding Sports Mouthguards

Soft plastic or laminate material typically composes sports mouthguards, also known as athletic mouthguards, sports guards, or mouth protectors. People commonly wear them over their upper teeth, although some mouthguards can also be used for the bottom teeth. By providing a barrier, sports mouthguards prevent face or head impacts from resulting in broken teeth, cut lips, or other dental damage.

Recommended Sports and Sports Mouthguards

Certain sports pose a higher risk of head and face impacts, making the use of sports mouthguards mandatory. Collision sports like football, hockey, and boxing fall into this category. However, experts highly recommend the use of sports mouthguards for basketball, baseball, wrestling, soccer, and volleyball as well, as they play a significant role in reducing the risk of oral injuries.

Types of Sports Mouthguards

There are three main types of sports mouthguards to choose from, each with its own benefits and drawbacks:

  • Stock mouthguards: These one-size-fits-all mouthguards are readily available in most athletic supply stores. Although inexpensive, they tend to be bulky, uncomfortable, and provide inadequate protection for the teeth and mouth.
  • Boil-and-bite mouthguards: These mouthguards offer a slightly better fit compared to stock mouthguards. You can soften them by boiling and then biting down on them to create a more custom shape. While boil-and-bite mouthguards remain affordable and widely available, they may still cause discomfort due to their bulkiness and have limited effectiveness in providing adequate protection.
  • Custom mouthguards: Custom mouthguards are the optimal choice for both comfort and protection. Custom mouthguards ensure maximum effectiveness as they are individually designed to fit your mouth perfectly. You can obtain these mouthguards by visiting your dentist, who will take an impression of your upper teeth and collaborate with a dental laboratory to create a custom-made mouthguard. Your dentist can also make necessary adjustments for the perfect fit.

The Long-Term Value of Custom Mouthguards

Although custom sports mouthguards may require a higher initial investment compared to stock or boil-and-bite options, they provide superior protection and comfort. When properly cared for, custom mouthguards can last a significant amount of time. However, they will eventually wear out due to biting pressure. It is essential to have them replaced once they become worn, cracked, or damaged.

Considering the potential cost, time, and discomfort involved in restorative dental work, the long-term benefits of custom sports mouthguards far outweigh their initial expense. They not only safeguard your teeth and mouth more effectively but also offer greater durability, saving you from potential dental injuries and associated treatments.

Contact Lawrenceville Dentistry for More Information

If you would like to learn more about sports mouthguards or require personalized guidance, contact our team at Lawrenceville Dentistry. Our experienced professionals can provide comprehensive information and assist you in choosing the right sports mouthguard to protect your smile during physical activities.