Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry

Are Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentists use veneers, a popular dental procedure, to enhance smiles. However, many people are unaware of what veneers actually are. To ensure that you achieve the smile you desire, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of veneers before undergoing the treatment.

Can Cosmetic Dentistry Fix Crooked Teeth?

Cosmetic dentistry encompasses various dental procedures aimed at improving the appearance of teeth. It includes teeth whitening, bleaching, porcelain veneers, bonding, and more. Cosmetic dentists can also utilize crowns to repair chipped or crooked teeth, enhance the color and shape of damaged teeth by building up enamel, or even employ dental implants for complete tooth replacement.

Ready to book your Cosmetic Dentistry appointment at Lawrenceville Dentistry?

Can Cosmetic Dentistry Fix Receding Gums?

Receding gums not only pose cosmetic concerns but can also lead to more severe issues. Neglected receding gums may affect tooth comfort and overall oral health if left untreated. Jawbone loss caused by periodontitis or aggressive brushing, not just aging or poor dental care, is responsible for receding gum lines.

Cosmetic Dentistry Basics

Cosmetic dentistry is a rapidly growing field within oral care. How we are perceived by others significantly depends on our appearance. When meeting someone new, one of the first things they notice is their companion’s mouth. A healthy and attractive smile can be engaging and reassuring, while an unhealthy mouth can create discomfort. Though we may not consciously admit it, we tend to judge others based on their oral health, which often affects our own confidence in displaying our smile.

Addressing Concerns and Boosting Confidence

Patients often express concerns about the appearance of their teeth and mouth. These imperfections, whether real or perceived, can impact their overall oral health and confidence. It is crucial to address such issues through cosmetic dentistry to restore both oral health and self-assurance.

Focus on Cosmetic Dentistry

Unlike preventative and restorative dentistry, which prioritize maintaining optimal oral health and restoring teeth, cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of the mouth, teeth, and smile. While most cosmetic dental procedures are elective, some restorative treatments can also provide aesthetic benefits.

Common Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Dentists use composite bonding, a cosmetic dental procedure, to restore the appearance of teeth affected by minor decay, discoloration, chipping, or cracking. After removing any existing decay, the dentist applies composite material directly onto the tooth’s surface and shapes it using dental tools. The dentist uses a curing light to harden the composite, resulting in a healthy and natural-looking tooth.

Dental Veneers: Concealing Imperfections

Dental veneers are thin “shells” custom-made in a dental laboratory to fit over an individual’s natural teeth. Veneers, primarily crafted from ceramic but also utilizing other materials, are employed to conceal dental imperfections like crooked teeth, gaps, and damaged enamel. They provide a natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing result.

Teeth Whitening: Restoring Brightness and Youthfulness

Teeth whitening is a popular and straightforward cosmetic dental procedure. After thoroughly cleaning to remove food particles, plaque, and tartar buildup, dentists can whiten teeth, resulting in a brighter and cleaner appearance. Over time, teeth naturally stain due to factors like food, beverages, medications, and tobacco use. Teeth whitening procedures effectively reverse these stains, giving teeth a younger and healthier appearance.

Inlays and Onlays: Restoring Functionality and Aesthetics

Although considered restorative dental procedures, inlays and onlays also have cosmetic benefits. These indirect fillings are highly useful in cases of mild to moderate tooth decay, where the tooth structure needs adequate support after cleaning. Made from a composite resin material that matches the natural tooth color, inlays and onlays restore proper tooth shape and function, while also enhancing aesthetics.

Achieve Your Desired Smile with Today’s Dental

The friendly and knowledgeable staff at Today’s Dental are dedicated to helping you achieve your smile goals, no matter which cosmetic dental procedure appeals to you. Contact our Lawrenceville Dentistry for more information and to schedule a consultation.

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