Composite fillings
Composite fillings

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Composite Fillings: More Resistant to Tooth Decay than Amalgam Fillings

Did you know that composite fillings or white fillings offer greater resistance to tooth decay compared to amalgam fillings? In providing superior protection against tooth decay, several studies have shown that white fillings, made of plastic materials, outperform amalgam fillings composed of silver and copper alloys. To ensure the best results, it is crucial for dentists to have the appropriate equipment when using either material. Your dentist can guide you in choosing the most suitable filling type for your specific situation.

Cost-Effective Dental Restoration: Composite Fillings

If you are looking for a cost-effective solution to replace damaged, broken, or decaying teeth, composite fillings may be the right choice for you. Also known as “white fillings,” composite fillings are tooth-colored restorations made of a resin combined with glass particles. They not only provide an affordable option but also deliver excellent aesthetic results.

Lawrenceville Dentistry - Composite Filling
Lawrenceville Dentistry – Composite Filling

Material Used in Composite Fillings

There is a common misconception that composite fillings are made of plastic, but this is completely false. In reality, white fillings are composed of the same substance used to bond dentures and have been in use since the 1970s. These fillings are made of a durable resin material that ensures their longevity and effectiveness.

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Strength and Durability of Composite Fillings

Ever wondered what goes into your tooth filling? Many dentists use composite fillings in many cases to replace existing amalgam fillings. Dentists create these white fillings using porcelain and composite resin. They make the visible part of the tooth restoration out of porcelain, while they use composite resin for the back portion. Some individuals may worry about the strength and longevity of these fillings. It is important to note that white fillings come in various sizes and shapes, making them suitable for different restoration needs.

Potential Concerns with White Fillings

While white fillings offer a cost-effective solution to enhance the appearance and function of your smile, they do have certain drawbacks. Dentists commonly use these fillings to repair small cavities and fissures in teeth, but amalgam fillings are more durable than them. Consequently, dentists recommend white fillings for small to medium-sized restorations, and they may require more frequent replacement compared to amalgam fillings. The placement process for white fillings also takes longer as the tooth needs to be completely dry throughout the procedure for proper setting. Additionally, white fillings tend to be more expensive than amalgam fillings.

Lawrenceville Dentistry - Composite Filling
Lawrenceville Dentistry – Composite Filling

Dental Fillings: Purpose and Options

Dental fillings serve two fundamental purposes: restoring the structure, function, and comfort of damaged teeth, as well as protecting them from further decay or injury. While dental fillings are ideal for addressing minor damage caused by decay or injury, more extensive damage may require alternative restoration procedures such as inlays, onlays, or crowns. The choice of dental filling depends on the specific situation and the strengths and weaknesses associated with each type.

Composite Fillings: Versatile Dental Restoration Option

Composite fillings, consisting of ceramic and plastic materials, offer a suitable solution for various dental issues. They can effectively address minor problems such as chipped teeth, gaps between teeth, cracked or broken teeth, decayed teeth, and worn teeth. White fillings, which dentists commonly use, provide numerous benefits. Dentists can color-match them to blend perfectly with your natural tooth, ensuring they are virtually undetectable. Moreover, composite fillings are durable and can withstand the daily stresses and forces of chewing, making them suitable for both front and back teeth. However, it is essential to consider some potential drawbacks as well.

Potential Drawbacks of Composite Fillings

While composite fillings provide aesthetic advantages, they may not be as durable as amalgam (silver) fillings. As a result, small to medium-sized restorations are the best-suited applications for them, and they may require more frequent replacement. The placement process for white fillings also takes longer, as the tooth must remain clean and dry throughout the entire procedure to ensure proper setting. Additionally, composite fillings tend to be more expensive than amalgam fillings.

Dental Procedure and Aftercare

During the placement of a composite filling, your dentist will remove any decayed or damaged tooth material and thoroughly clean the area. To ensure your comfort, a local anesthetic may be administered to numb the tooth. The dentist will then shape and polish the filling to restore the normal structure and function of your tooth. While you may experience some sensitivity to hot and cold foods immediately after the procedure, this should subside over time as the filling adjusts. Overall, white fillings allow you to speak and eat normally, providing a comfortable and functional dental restoration.


Choosing the Best Dental Restoration Option: Composite Fillings

In summary, the primary goal of any dental filling is to restore the structure, function, and comfort of a tooth, while also reducing the risk of further decay or infection. Composite fillings offer appealing aesthetic benefits and durability. However, your dentist will thoroughly evaluate your specific needs to determine if white fillings are the most suitable option for your dental restoration. For more information about cosmetic fillings and to explore your dental options, please contact Lawrenceville Dentistry.

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