What is Endodontics?

Endodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on the health and treatment of the soft tissue inside the tooth, known as the pulp. Endodontists, who specialize in this field, are dentists combining the Greek words “ENDO,” meaning inside, and “ODONT,” meaning tooth. When it comes to diagnosing and treating complex dental issues, referring to an endodontist is the ideal choice.


Endodontic Therapy: Restoring Dental Health

Endodontic therapy, also known as root canal treatment (RCT), is a crucial aspect of endodontics.
We recommend this therapy for teeth with infected pulp, periapical infections, teeth with tenderness on percussion, or severely decayed teeth. The primary objective is to eliminate the necrotic pulp tissue from inside the tooth and replace it with a biocompatible material, resembling rubber, to restore the tooth’s structure. We administer local anesthesia during the therapy to ensure a pain-free experience for the patient. On average, completing the entire procedure requires three appointments, although it can sometimes be completed in a single sitting if the tooth is not causing any pain.

Endodontic Therapy for Children: Protecting Their Dental Health

Children who experience injuries from sports or accidents, such as falls or blows to the mouth, face unique challenges. These incidents can affect not only the soft tissues and surrounding areas but also the tooth and its pulp. It is crucial to monitor and treat such cases to preserve the child’s permanent tooth and prevent growth complications. Injuries of this nature may require apexification, a specialized treatment that combines root canal therapy and endodontic expertise.


Relief from Dental Pain: How Endodontists Can Help

Tooth pain can cause considerable discomfort and impact daily life, often leading to headaches, earaches, or neck pain. Consulting an endodontist is essential to diagnose the underlying cause of the pain and develop an effective treatment plan. With their specialized knowledge and expertise, endodontists play a vital role in alleviating dental pain and restoring oral health.

Trust Lawrenceville Dentistry for Your Endodontic Needs

If you are experiencing tooth pain, fractured teeth, or severe tooth decay, we encourage you to visit our clinic and seek treatment from our highly experienced dentists. Our priority is to provide you with the best treatment environment while ensuring that your dental concerns are in safe hands.

For appointments or any inquiries, please contact Lawrenceville Dentistry. Our team is eager to assist you in any way possible and provide you with the necessary support.

RCT is used to repair or save any severely damaged, decayed, infected or cracked tooth.It’s procedure includes removal of the nerves and vessels or pulp from the inside of the teeth or the canal for cleaning the decayed and infected part of tooth and finally sealing it. Learn more

Pulpotomy refers to the complete removal of the coronal portion of the infected pulp and replacing it with a suitable filling material to preserve the vitality of tooth.Learn more

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