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Invisalign Treatment for a Confident Smile

Invisalign, also referred to as clear aligners, are transparent orthodontic devices that effectively adjust teeth, providing aesthetic benefits for individuals of all ages. At our Lawrenceville Dentistry, we prioritize your comfort and offer affordable Invisible Braces to help you achieve the smile you desire.

Affordable Invisalign Cost for Your Perfect Smile

If you’re seeking cost-effective Invisible Braces, look no further than our Lawrenceville Dentistry. We provide affordable Invisalign treatments that are convenient and can help bring your teeth into alignment, giving you the perfect smile you’ve always wanted.

Benefits of Invisalign Treatment for Your Smile

We tailor our Invisalign treatment to address the specific needs of individuals with maladjusted or crowded teeth. Crooked or misplaced teeth not only affect your appearance but also impact your self-confidence when smiling. Dental crowding is a common issue among the general population, but Invisalign offers the most aesthetically pleasing solution.

Timeline for Invisalign Treatment

The duration of Invisalign treatment typically ranges from 12 to 18 months, depending on the severity of crowding. In more severe cases, the treatment duration may be longer. We provide patients with sets of aligners every two months, and they should wear each set for approximately two weeks. Over the treatment period, the aligners gradually adjust the position of your teeth, effectively treating crowding.

Long-Term Benefits of Invisalign Treatment

Aside from the noticeable change in your dentition, you may initially experience a slight adjustment in your speech, which you will quickly adapt to. The aligners have no impact on eating or drinking, making it convenient for your daily routine. You can remove the aligners while eating or drinking, and there are no dietary restrictions, allowing you to enjoy your meals at any time of day.

Step-by-Step Invisalign Treatment Process

Invisalign requires a commitment to wearing your aligners for approximately 21 hours a day. Neglecting to wear them regularly can prolong the treatment and lead to additional dental visits for checkups and adjustments. The treatment begins with the creation of a 3D model of your current dental status, displaying the required movements and tooth displacements for achieving your desired results.
Once you commit to the treatment, we will fabricate custom aligners that gradually shift your teeth into their proper positions over time.

Maintaining Clean Aligners/Braces

The best way to clean your aligners is by using a soft toothbrush and toothpaste. Gently brush your aligners under running water every day, preferably before bedtime or whenever convenient. Aligners are easy to maintain and handle, making them a practical choice for dental alignment.

For more information about Invisalign and to schedule an appointment, contact our Lawrenceville Dentistry. Our team at Lawrenceville Dentistry is committed to helping you make informed treatment choices and ensuring your treatment experience is a pleasant one. Book your appointment now and take the first step towards your dream smile. Contact your Lawrenceville Dentistry today.

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